Information For Privately Funded Care

Info For Privately Funded Care
When it comes to care we know a “one size fits all” approach doesn’t work. What you want is care tailored to meet your individual needs so at Southern Family Care we will do exactly that, we will provide the type of care you need when you need it.
Design a care plan with you and your family and tell you exactly how much it will cost in advance so you know what to expect.
Arrange convenient payment collection through direct debit arrangements.
Provide additional services whenever you require them.
Assign and individually train a small team of carers/support workers to give you all year round continuity of care/support from people you and your family know and are comfortable with.
Review care plans quarterly, with you and your family, to make sure we always meet your needs and expectations.
Southern Family Care - You're in the Safest Hands
- 01920 871 414