Independent Living

Independent Living Assistance in Hertfordshire & Essex
We assist adults with learning disabilities. Physical disabilities and or mental health problems to live as independently as they can within their communities.
Southern Family Care designs a service that is unique in that it is entirely tailored to each service user.
Our focus is to help achieve a higher level of independent living for adults with support needs, by assisting them to become as self-sufficient as possible. From money management to shopping, from planning a social life to arranging and directing any support that they need.
Available Services.
Individual support packages.
Support provided directly under the direct payments scheme
Supported living services often on a 1/1 24/7 basis
Social and community support to access local facilities and opportunities
Respite/short breaks including sitting services and holidays
Housing support services including support with managing daily tasks such as paying bills and maintaining a home.
Assisting individuals to access education training and employment opportunities.
Southern Family Care - You're in the safest hands
- 01920 871 414