Wheelchair Accessible Transport for Children

Child Wheelchair Accessible Transport in Hertfordshire & Essex
We have a pre bookable Taxi service. All of which are London cab type vehicles. The vehicles are easily recognisable, we currently have access to three different shaped models the Fairway which has kept most of the shape of what everybody imagines a London Taxi to be, but this will gradually be replaced by the later models, the TX1 and the TX2. These taxis have a more rounded shape and have taken on many improvements to passenger safety.
The safety and reliability of every licensed driver and his/her vehicle is assured.
Drivers are licensed and undergo extensive enhanced Criminal Records Checks, along with strict medical tests. This ensures every driver can be trusted and relied upon to deliver a safe and comfortable journey.
All drivers undergo a knowledge test of their local authority area, places of interest in London such as hospitals, historical sites and direct routes to airports.
Drivers are fully licensed and regulated by their Local Authority.
Every vehicle is wheelchair accessible and features a host of accessibility aids;
Features include:
- Wheelchair ramps
- Swivel seat
- Intermediate seat
- High visibility seat panels
- Large coloured grab handles
- Low level floor lighting
- Intercom
- Hearing aid induction loop
- Ability to carry assistance dogs
For wheelchair users, access via the ramps allows comfortable boarding; the large spacious interior allows the wheelchair to be moved into the securing position, where the seatbelt restraints secure the chair safely and securely.
For passengers with limited mobility the swivel seat extends to the exterior of the vehicle to allow seamless movement into the vehicle. An intermediate step assists passengers with limited accessibility.
To book a wheelchair accessible vehicle for your next journey please call the number shown.
We also offer a meet and greet service from airports to make the return journey from your holiday as trouble free as possible.
We can provide wheelchair accessible vehicles for the following:
- Long journeys
- Airport journeys
- Special events
- Cruise ports
- Escort Service
We can provide a fully trained support/care worker for your journeys.
Southern Family Care - You're in the safest hands
- 01920 871 414
- southernfamilycare@outlook.com