Supervised Contacts

Supervised Contacts in Hertfordshire & Essex
Supervised contact is a service for children who unfortunately have been estranged from other family members, usually parents due to the breakdown of the family unit. This can be due to concerns regarding the parent’s ability to comprehend and meet a child’s needs, or because the child had no recent contact with or even knew the parent previously. The supervised contact service can also be used as a short term intervention to monitor and assess the possibility for the contact to take place in the community.
The supervised contact process can become quite stressful for all concerned parties. It is our intention to make the whole process as positive as it can be which is especially important for the child involved. We feel it is important to make clear, we treat everyone equally and remain completely impartial, and all contacts are confidential with a written report provided.
Southern Family Care will transport the children from home to the contact venue and return the child to the address.
Contact rooms facilities.
Our contact rooms will have a variety of toys and play equipment for all age groups. Focusing on older age groups there will be a Nintendo Wii and traditional board games. Younger children will have access to imaginative play equipment, puzzles and various materials for creative work. Contact rooms have toilet facilities and access to refreshments.
Southern Family Care - You're in the Safest Hands
- 01920 871 414